Monday, March 23, 2020

Certain Math Learning Issues to Be Resolved

Certain Math Learning Issues to Be Resolved Math is a subject that threatens or interests students to the maximum. Students who understand the core language of Math with its underlying concepts ace it without difficulty. The fact remains that only a handful of students master Math learning in all its spheres. Many students falter somewhere and are not successful in exhibiting their Math knowledge and skills. There are various types of learning issues in doing Math. As every student differ in their attitude and aptitude for learning the subject. Many students have considerable understanding of Math concepts but their poor basic skills pull them down for low scores. An online Math Tutor can trace out the symptoms of Math disabilities in students and pick out solutions for remedying them. What are the common Math learning disabilities? Not having a strong hold on number facts Number facts are the basics of Math learning and students at the preliminary level of subject learning do not hold strong skills in addition, multiplication or division. The result is their careless errors in computation while solving sums at advanced level. They may possess wonderful knowledge in Math concepts at advanced level but are pushed to the extreme of taking remedial classes for their computational skills. Do Math Tutors Leave Takeaways to Help You Improve Sco â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) March 24, 2016 Interactive games, Math puzzles and other such techniques from virtual tutors can wipe out such disabilities from students right from their kindergarten level. Not being able to connect informal knowledge to formal Math learning Many students have very good knowledge about Math facts gathered through informal ways like practical situations and real life contexts. Once they get into formal subject learning, they are unable to connect the two and understand Math in its formal language. Doing homework is very tough for such students. Math homework help online can sort out such issues of students via expert tutor help and bring students to a mode where they can do the subject without a fuss. The tutors use concrete examples to help students in learning Math symbols and notations and understanding concepts without hassle. Difficulty in understanding the language of Math Terminologies in Math need in-depth understanding for hassle free learning.  Many students lack in verbal skills to understand the terms and explanations for Math concepts. They need some guidance for coming out of such critical situations and online tutors in Math equip the students with the verbal skills suitable for Math learning and make students understand concepts through easy explanations thereafter. So, learning issues in Math learning are commonly found among students. They can be dispensed with if proper advice is availed through expert online tutors. Get the best of the services available in the industry and overcome your Math learning disabilities.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Tangential Velocity - Trigonometry Online Tutoring

Tangential Velocity - Trigonometry Online Tutoring Tangential velocity of an object travelling in a circular motion is the instantaneous velocity of the object at a particular instant of time on the circular path. In order to travel in a circular path, the object needs to change its direction at every instant and hence tangential velocity is a vector quantity as it has both magnitude and direction. The magnitude of the tangential velocity is the speed of the object with which itsmoving in a circle, and its direction is along the tangent drawn at that particular point on the circle. Example 1: Roger drives the car on a circular track of radius 6m. What is the tangential velocity of Rogers car if it takes 4secs to complete one circular rotation around the track? Tangential velocity, vt = (Distance travelled)/ (Time taken) Distance travelled on a circular track = Circumference of the circle = 2r This implies: Distance, d = 2 * * 6 = 12 meters. Time, t = 4secs Tangential velocity, vt = 12/4 = 9.42m/sec Example 2: An object moves on a circular path of radius 4m. What is the time taken by the object to cover one circular rotation when its tangential velocity is 8.6m/sec? Tangential velocity, vt = (Distance travelled)/ (Time taken) Distance travelled on a circular track = Circumference of the circle = 2r This implies: Distance, d = 2 * * 4 = 8 meters. Tangential velocity, vt = 8.6m/sec Time taken = (distance)/ (tangential velocity) == time= 8/8.6 = 2.92secs This implies time taken to complete one circular rotation = 2.92secs

Thursday, March 5, 2020

When Should You Audit a College Course

When Should You Audit a College Course Choosing whether or not to audit a college course can initially seem perplexing. After all, why complete a class that will earn you no credit? However, there are a number of reasons to audit a college course, such as: 1.No cost for flat-fee students For those students who pay a flat tuition fee per semester, auditing a class is typically free of charge (though fees may still apply). This means that the knowledge you gain from an audited college course costs only the low price of being present. Note that not all colleges and universities operate with a flat-fee system, and you must still enroll in enough credit-bearing classes to remain a full-time student. But if this scenario is an option for you, it can be a very good deal. 2. Risk-free education College is a process of self-discovery. If you wish to complete a course outside your major, or to simply try something new, auditing a class allows you to enjoy the learning process without worrying about grades. While you may still be required to finish assignments, you can focus on understanding the material and engaging with unfamiliar concepts. Here is some great information on college majors. 3.Previewing a subject or teacher Auditing is also the perfect opportunity to determine if a particular college course or path is right for you. Unlike a traditional class, where you would need to drop the course by a given deadline or risk a low mark on your transcript, audited classes are generally less formal. If you have been observing a course for three weeks and you dislike it, you can simply withdraw and factor those experiences into your future class planning. Auditing is also an excellent way to explore a major or a professor before you commit. You may also want to explore an on campus job that can help you explore college majors. 4.Lower stakes and higher rewards Grades can add pressure to college courses. Include the stress of planning for a career or a future major, and classroom output is suddenly a new game of worry. Auditing, on the other hand, allows students to truly focus on exploring a subject. This can be helpful for those students who feel they do not have the time to intellectually pursue a passion, as well as those students who are nervous about stepping outside their comfort zones. Whatever your reasons for auditing a college course, many students routinely comment about how they learned more than they expected to during the process. This is also an ideal moment to forge connections for future research interests, as well as to meet new people on campus. Do not let the myths about auditing a college course fool youauditing can be a great way to expand your education without the stress of another grade-bearing course. Here are some tips and tricks to make your final year of college less stressful. Ask your advisor or registrar for information about enrollment policies, such as who can audit which classes and how to sign up. Remember: if you audit a college course, you are still expected to complete certain readings and assignments. You may also be asked to contribute to class discussion. Therefore, if you are overwhelmed as it is, save your academic exploration for a different, future semester.

ACT Math Exam Online ACT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

ACT Math Exam Online ACT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace ACT is an abbreviation of American College Testing. ACT is test taken by high school students in order to get placed in their desired colleges and universities. ACT test examines a students capability in 4 areas of academics and its score is given based on the performance in these areas. ACT test paper consists of 4 main sections: English, Mathematics, Reading and Science reasoning. One of the important sections in this test is Mathematics section. ACT math exam contains 60 questions and the students are given 60 minutes time to complete them. This suggests that each question gets 1 minute time and the student has to work the question in this time. The challenging part of ACT test is trying to answer all the 60 questions in the given limited time and it can be achieved by continuous practice and good math skills. In the mathematics section, questions are asked on the basic and important concepts of math such as Algebra, Plane Geometry, Coordinate Geometry, Elementary Trigonometry etc. In the test paper, a question is given 5 answer options and the student has to pick one out of the 5 answer choices. However the best part is that in ACT, there is no penalty for a wrong answer. So this gives the opportunity for the students to answer all the questions without worrying about points being deducted. If a student understands basic math concepts and little tricks in the topics, then it is easy to get a good score in the math section. Try Free ACT Math Test Worksheet Here In this section find the worksheets on ACT Math Test. This Worksheet surely helps you to increase your ACT exam scores. This is the free of cost worksheet especially to our valuable students.

Fraud and Scam - The Subtle Difference Between Them in English

Fraud and Scam - The Subtle Difference Between Them in English I like it when my students ask me questions that make me think. Yesterday was one of these occasions when a student asked me, right as class was about to end, the difference between the words fraud and scam.Do you know the difference? Let’s look at it now.What is a scam?A scam is a fraudulent scheme generally involving money and some sort of business transaction.Scams come in various forms. Maybe you have experienced someone telling you would win a prize if you revealed your credit card details or asking you to donate money to a charity that does not exist?Scams reach us in various ways, via telephone, email, or even in person.A person carrying out a scam is called a scammer.What is fraud?Fraud implies a deception. It is a breach of confidence or trust.Fraud is a serious crime and a violation of civil law.The motivations for fraud can be many. These include monetary gain, discrediting an opponent or adversary. It can be to gain prestige as well as a financial advantage.If a partner cheats on a husband or wife, he or she can be legitimately called a fraud by the other party if he/she was pretending to be faithful while committing the adultery.A person who is guilty of fraudulent activity is called a fraudster.Scams and fraud â€" what’s the difference?Fraud is a broader category of wrongdoing than a scam. Scams can belong to the broader category of fraud.A scam is generally a more minor offense than fraud, which is considered very serious.Examples and ExercisesWhich of the following acts do you consider to be examples of a fraud and examples of a scam?Using medical services on another person’s medical card.Billing clients for 20% more than the actual amount of the goods they purchased.An email telling you that you won $5 million and all you have to do is send on your bank details.A politician who accepts cash for giving a construction company political favors.A pop-up on your computer telling you that you have been selected as regional manager for a company , but first you have you send on all your personal details.Did you find this blog helpful? Feel free to share it on Facebook and Twitter.What to keep studying? Check out our guides to English idiomatic expressions and English phrasal verbs.Aulas Inglês Haru Muireann, Some words can be very confusing, and these two were giving me a hard time. I really appreciate you took the time to write an article about it. It helped me gain a better understanding of these two words. Thank you! Erica Thank you for this. Trying to find info on this was hard. I like how this gets right to point. Again thank you.

Staff Spotlight Arielle Paist - Heart Math Tutoring

Staff Spotlight Arielle Paist - Heart Math Tutoring Staff Spotlight: Arielle Paist Staff Spotlight: Arielle Paist February 3, 2017 Arielle, a Charlotte native, graduated from UNC-Greensboro with a B.A. in Business Administration where she completed over 2,000 hours of service for a variety of non-profit organizations. Serving the community ignited her interest and charged her with mending the array of social indifferences. After graduation, she embarked on a Tutor Corp fellowship in Newark, New Jersey at Great Oaks Charter School. This fellowship strengthened her dedication to advocating for all students. Arielle believes widening opportunities and closing the educational gap is critical. Arielle is currently the Program Coordinator at Nathaniel Alexander, a school she attended as an elementary student. She loves being a part of this school community once again and is committed to ensuring her students make strong academic progress. Here are Arielles answers to our Spotlight questions: Who was your best teacher and why? My favorite teacher, who taught me in fifth grade at Nathaniel Alexander, was Ms. Cook! As with our Heart volunteers, she not only supported me academically but was a motivating mentor as well. I was new to CMS curriculum, as I had recently relocated from California. With her assistance I not only began to see how my hard work and effort could positively affect my grades, but also what higher horizons I could reach for. She was a true believer in pushing you to your limits, in order to surpass them. I am thankful, as it groomed me into the college graduate and woman I am today! Whatis yourfavoritebook? I love cracking open a book and reading in silence; it brings me so much peace! Although I enjoy many different genres, recently my favorites are ones written by Nicholas Sparks. I live for romantic novels with an action twist! What is yourfavorite quote? “Beauty is as beauty does. We’re remembered not by what we looked like, but how we behaved and changed the lives of others.” Whats an interesting fact about yourself? I was named after the little mermaid, Ariel. My grandma had long red hair, so seeing that the character was always a favorite of my mother’s she thought it was very fitting.

Balboa City School International

Balboa City School International Balboa City School International BCS Sino-U.S. Dual Diploma Program Balboa City School works closely with cooperating schools abroad to allow international high school students to register with a program offering a dual-country education. Students must meet all academic requirements in order to receive a diploma from each school. Highlights: Designed to work within the students current high school program Integrates TOEFL SAT preparation into the high school course curriculum All courses conducted using American high school textbooks aligned with Common Core State Standards College preparatory curriculum Students grades are evaluated using the most advanced grading and student evaluation system, ensuring that all students are assessed in the best way possible Successfully helps high school students attend his/her dream university in the U.S. Balboa City School provides dual diploma schools with an excellent support team All students receive the letters of recommendation that are required by U.S. university applicants Students are given many opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities

The Ethics of Plagiarism

The Ethics of Plagiarism To put it bluntly, there are no ethics when it comes to plagiarism. Copying someone else's work or getting someone to write it for you is deeply unethical and is one of the Cardinal Sins of university life; to the extent that some unis will kick you out on your first offence, if it's serious enough. Compare this to their stance on students who are involved in crime and drugs (strangely lax, as long as they don't indulge on their turf), and you begin to see how seriously they take it. At its core, it's anti-academic and anti-learning; and while you may gain a few grade points, you won't have actually benefitted at all in an educational sense. But what does 'plagiarism' consist of, exactly? How do you define it? After all, isn't all work based on something? Aren't we all, in a sense, 'standing on the shoulders of giants'? The classic response is that it is perfectly reasonable to relay someone else's ideas and use them in your own argument, as long as you state the fact, usually by formally referencing them (the Harvard Referencing System is the mode du jour for UK unis). But what if you ask a tutor, or a friend, to look over your work, to check for grammar and spelling? They'll go uncredited, usually; and without their input you may have received a lower mark. But I doubt many people would count this as plagiarism. Now, let's take it one step further. So you ask your tutor/friend to look over you work, and they duly do so. But they find a critical flaw in your argument, or something you've overlooked. They give you a suggestion for improvement, and you duly act upon it. Your paper is marked and you get a first. Happy days. Now, is that plagiarism? After all, the genesis for a critical part of your argument came from someone else, uncredited. Basically, there's a sliding scale of personal-vs-external work input, ranging from asking others to be human spellcheckers to the wholesale thievery of another person's words and ideas. Like all sliding scales, where do you draw the line? There is no black-white binary we can easily define. The issue is compounded when you consider students whose first language is not English. As good as their command of conversational English may be, they may have a fundamental difficulty in conveying their thoughts and arguments in an effective manner. Would it be wrong for them to ask a tutor to help? To have someone check their work, to iron out inconsistencies and improve the clarity of writing, often to the point where the final product is vastly different from the original? Some would argue that the person editing their work is merely 'teasing out' the non-native speaker's core argument, rather than 'writing it for them', but the reality of the situation differs case by case. As a rule of thumb, if the tutor is doing anything but helping you clarify your language and structure, you're doing it wrong. Policies on the above differ considerably from institution to institution. And while all unis are particularly strict on plagiarism, some take their fervour for originality to inquisition-like levels. From personal experience, I know of people who have been called up for plagiarism for incorrect referencing, which looks rather unforgiving however you cook it. Clearly, there is a broad difference of views on the matter. Grey areas abound. But from this mass of uncertainty we can distil a few drops of solid advice: - If you use another person's idea or argument in your paper, or even just mention it, reference it! - Regardless of how many eyes pass over your paper before you submit it, the core content must be your own. - If you're not a native speaker, and you decide to have a tutor proofread your text, acknowledge them in some way at the beginning/end of the paper. - Basing your paper around so-called 'model answers' is at best educationally misleading and at worst demonstrates your lack of independent thought: use them at your own risk. - Getting someone to write your paper for you contravenes universal law and is a despicable thing to do. Ultimately, the only person you're cheating is yourself. For users of the site, you can check out our stance on the subject here.